Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Riverina Agriculture and Lifestyle Show †

Question: Discuss about the Riverina Agriculture and Lifestyle Show. Answer: Communication Plan The project is formed for the Riverina Agriculture and Lifestyle Show and the development of the effective and smart operations in the organization. According to Guzzi et al. (2013), the project would involve the effective processing of the communication plan. The communication plan would be developed for forming the system integration and development of the project plan for forming the effective and improved processing of the operations. The effective communication plan would develop the improvement of the facilities and formation of the system integration (Muszynska et al., 2015). The development of the project communication plan would integrate the development of the operations and it would form the analysis of the effective project operations. Requirements of Communication in Project The communication in project would require the development of the effective management strategy for the implication of the project operations. The requirements of the communication for the project of Riverina Agriculture and Lifestyle Show include the use of effective management and processing of organization. Kaufman et al. (2014) have pointed that the project conveyance had formed the development of the effective control of the communication process in the organization. The requirement analysis had formed the development of the effective communication process. The implementation of the project progress would involve the deployment of the effective control strategies in the organization. The importance of communication in the project of Riverina Agriculture and Lifestyle Show are, Convey of Requirements: The project deploys the effective transmission of the requirements to the project stakeholders. The requirements would involve the development of the project operations and the analysis of the option for merging the development of the project (Heagney, 2016). The communication plan would involve the development of the effective communication and increment of the information. The requirements would imply the secure development of the project operations to form the effective deployment of the operations (Guzzi et al., 2013). The project plan requirements, cost effective requirements, and development plan requirements would help in forming the effective deployment model for the project. Initialization of Project: The initialization of the project is another major factor for the system development and processing. The initialization of the project would help in system development and processing (Lock, 2014). The initialization of the project would tend to form the effective system integration and development of project plan. The development of the project plan would integrate the smart processing of the development of the operations would integrate the development of the operations and it would form the analysis of the smart operations. Project Operation Division: The division of the project operation would include the use of effective communication plan (Muszynska et al., 2015). The division of the project operations would involve the development of the effective and improved processing. The division of the work would involve the development of the project implementation plan. The communication would help in dividing the work among the team members. Communication Methods for the project There are two types of communication by which humans can interact and send message to each other and they are verbal and non verbal (written). The implication of the effective communication would help in forming the system development and process improvement (Verzuh, 2015). The project would involve the use of the development of the operations. The project would involve the deployment of the effective processing of the information. The methods of communication include, Meetings: The project meetings are another important factor that results in forming the effective communication methods for the integration of the operations (Zulch, 2014). The meetings would be integrated for forming the effective convey of the operations and development of the integration methods. The meetings would involve the supplementary development of the operational management. The meetings would be held for forming the effective development of the system integration and development. The meetings would form the development of the operations and it would involve the effective deployment of the effective processing and development. Reports and Documents: The documents would also serve the purpose of effective communication (Snyder, 2014). The reports and documents would also serve the effective methods of communicating the necessary information to the immediate stakeholders. The stakeholders of the project would tend to use documentation for development of the process. The communication would ensure that the effective processing of information would help in communicating the development of the project. The data and information are transferred to the relative individual person. Email Conversation: The email conversation is deployed for forming the use of the technology for developing and implementing effective communication. Internet connections would be used for transmitting the effective communication within the organization (Zulch, 2014). The email communication would help in forming the faster development of messages and conversing with the operations of the project. Communication Matrix Stakeholder Role Power or Influence Interest Communication Method Description of Communication Method Alternate communication Project Sponsor High Medium-High Board Meetings The project meetings are another important factor that results in forming the effective communication methods for the integration of the operations. Email Conversation Project Manager High Medium-High Board Meetings The meetings would involve the supplementary development of the operational management. Project Reports and Documents Planner Medium Low Medium Email Conversation The email conversation is deployed for forming the use of the technology for developing and implementing effective communication. Email Conversation Budgeter Medium Medium-Low Email Conversation The email communication would help in forming the faster development of messages and conversing with the operations of the project. Email Conversation IT team Medium Medium-High Project Reports and Documents The reports and documents would also serve the effective methods of communicating the necessary information to the immediate stakeholders. Project Reports and Documents Contractor Medium-High Medium Project Reports and Documents The data and information are transferred to the relative individual person by the use of the document process. Email Conversation Table 1: Communication Matrix for the Project (Source: Kutikov, Woo Catto, 2016, pp- 183) Reflection I have analyzed the influence of the project management concepts and used it for forming the effective processing of the information. The study had helped in understanding that there are three methods of the communication in project and it would involve the use of the both verbal and non verbal skills of communication. Moreover, the operations would tend to implement the effective operational requirements for the project. The use of project management principles and operations would involve the effective processing by communication and involvement. The development of the project would tend to form the analysis of the effective and improved processing. It is also possible that we might come across the system development for carrying out the information processing within the organization. The deployment of the project principles would involve the development of the effective and improved functions for carrying out the activities of the project. I have come to realize that the project r equires the deployment of the effective communication in the organization. The implication of the effective communication would be supported by the formation of the communication plan and its management. The management of the project would be evitable for developing the improvement of operations and deploying the sufficient operations. References Guzzi, A., Bacchelli, A., Lanza, M., Pinzger, M., Van Deursen, A. 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