Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Dalman Swot Essay Example for Free

Dalman Swot Essay Dalman and Lei are thinking about an enormous scope development for their business, Sandwich Blitz. So as to arrive at the correct resolution they have to do a SWOT examination which means finding a quality, a shortcoming, a chance and a danger concerning the tasks of the business. By playing out a SWOT examination Dalman and Lei will have the option to discover real data about their inner and outer business condition. At that point they will have the option to make the most of chances introduced to them by playing on their qualities, amending their shortcomings and checking dangers, or those things or activities of contenders regarded likely dangers. The initial segment of doing the SWOT examination is to distinguish one quality and one shortcoming with respect to Sandwich Blitz’s inside assets. Sandwich Blitz’s quality is that they have a positive income and Lei realizes that they have enough cash to open two new areas. Despite the fact that she specifies that there has been an abatement in rush hour gridlock in the stores close to the workplace parks they are as yet making a benefit. Their shortcoming is their inner structure isn't working effectively right now. Dalman and Lei are investing most of their energy helping the administrators with planning and the day by day bookkeeping process. These are things the directors ought to do themselves without Dalman and Lei’s help. The second piece of doing the SWOT examination is to distinguish one chance and one danger with respect to Sandwich Blitz’s outside condition. Sandwich Blitz as of now has eight areas yet they are all inside one metropolitan zone. In this way, an open door for Sandwich Blitz is that they could venture into another city. The danger that Sandwich Blitz faces is that contenders are entering the market since they have demonstrated to be beneficial. Lei makes reference to that there are two new establishment activities rising into the market that offer comparative food items as Sandwich Blitz. So, Dalman and Lei need to assemble a vital arrangement to fathom the issues that the business is as of now looking before they bounce feet first into extending and opening new areas.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Effective Leadership in The Healthcare and Administrative Fields

Questions: Recognize a pioneer from an organization that has been in the news as of late, a pioneer you as of now or recently worked under, or an innovator in the network who you know about (this may require meeting the pioneer). At that point, utilize basic hypothesis assessment abilities to distinguish at least three (3) peer-evaluated diary articles on the qualities of pioneers in the chose pioneers industry or field. For example, if the pioneer is the executive of an emergency clinic, your academic articles will concentrate on attributes regarded vital for compelling authority in the medicinal services and additionally managerial fields. Next, draft a basic investigation that passes on the degree to which this pioneer epitomizes the Big Five character characteristics, just as the qualities demonstrative of a powerful pioneer in their field or industry as confirm in the writing. Decide the degree to which this individual has the character profile of a powerful pioneer. Also, give a case of a n issue that this chief is either right now confronting or as of late managed, and afterward analyze the administrative jobs the person played and the authority abilities utilized previously, during, and after the issue was settled. Investigate the moral contemplations (assuming any) relating to this issue, consider those accomplished by the individual and additionally legitimately identified with the association, and afterward assess how the individual took care of them.? Answers: Jeff Bezos is the CEO and pioneer in a main Ecommerce site named as Amazon. He has an extraordinary commitment towards the web world with the development of another idea, prescient examination. This is a procedure of drawing in the clients by breaking down their item loving. The inquiry accounts of every client are discovered and the specific items are prescribed to purchasers. Numerous individuals can be aggravated with this technique. Yet, the online business has gotten benefit with this component. Numerous individuals are purchasing the items after that are suggested by the Ecommerce sites. Aside from this new idea, Jeff Bezos is a pioneer who thinks about every client. He actually read the messages of his clients and makes quick move if something turns out badly with them. With such a sort and expert pioneer, clients of Ecommerce site will never remain baffled. (STREITFELD KANTOR, 2015) He is the organizer and creator of the E-trade site Amazon.com . The webpage has become a top web based shopping website since 2013. The pioneer has his own riches assessed as the US $ 59.2 BILLION. A meeting of Jeff Bezos A selective meeting was sorted out on the Jeff Bezos with the US supporter, Chralie Rose. The inquiries posed to The Amazons CEO and originator is replied in a reasonable and successful manner. Following are the progression savvy talk with subtleties. Is Drone coming soon in US? Jeff When contrasted with US, the plan of UK administrative is substantially more progressed. In any case, the FAA is additionally trapped in the US. Jeff likewise clarified about the specialized realities identified with the conveyance of Drone. He additionally said that, the endorsement of conveyance in the US is a major hindrance. However, Jeff is very sure that Drone will come very soon. As indicated by him, the conveyance will be as simple as the mail trucks. Roughly a years time scale is estimated. In any case, Jeff guaranteed that it will occur. (Quinn, 2015) What is the report about the energizing new vehicle based program in Amazon prime? Jeff-This will be a decent open door for the Top apparatus group and Clarkson. Jeff likewise said that the new program alongside different firsts of Amazon like Jeffry Tambors Transparent will characterize Prime. He additionally feels this will be enhanced as a brilliant edge TV. A Few years back, inactive was expected to do TV serials. In any event, getting an opportunity is extremely uncommon. Be that as it may, today, the situation will change totally. Is Amazon crisp going to be propelled in the UK? Jeff Amazon new is worked in the US for a long time. Additionally, it is going very well with respect to its activity and consumer loyalty. Jeff additionally said the group has intended to grow it too. He proposes individuals stay tuned in the UK. The organizer likewise said that, clients of Amazon wish to get shopping from numerous points of view. In this way, both web based shopping and physical retail locations are going to remain equal. Clients can get fulfillment in both the ways. (Ignatius, 2014) Is Amazon Web Services or AWS going to be a spun off? Amazon Web administrations or AWS is one of the organizations inside Amazons wing that depends on a distributed computing stage. The clients of this business incorporate Just Eat, Pinterest and AirBnB. As per a portion of the speculators, the organization will be peeled off. Jeff-The originator and CEO Bezos completely dismissed the thought. He said that this business wont have the option to go far. Or maybe, this will occupy the association from its fundamental core interest. He is happy with the current situation with the organization as it is going truly well starting at now. Can Bezos control himself before different business visionaries? Jeff-Jeff gets debilitated before different business visionaries. Indeed, even he express gets enchanted in the wake of meeting his individual. He has riches, however feels glad to impart to the desire for getting more cash. He likewise said he does individual venture with interest. In any case, all speculation may not be a wise venture with the benefit thought process. (Kissmetrics group, 2016) Basic hypothesis assessment Friend audit Amazon Founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos have come out as first position. He was even effective with the logical way to deal with the undertaking. The survey was done on the all out investors return and market capitalization. The investigation was made on long haul result where he was end up being a functioning CEO over his whole residency. The pundits additionally have discovered that a decent CEO ought to be more than productivity and speculation. This characteristic was likewise found in Jeff Bezos. He is a genuine pioneer with the characteristics of driving an organization. He has a lot more abilities which barely could be estimated. A portion of the aptitudes incorporate his drawn out arranging, vital vision, realness and so on. Compelling quality of powerful administration Basic Analysis Amazons Founder, Jeff Bezos has unlimited qualities that would move individuals. In any case, let us name 5 of them that make him a total head. (Horton, 2014) Obstinate and adaptable As indicated by Jeff, a great head must be obstinate just as adaptable simultaneously. Concerning the vision and perspective, he is difficult. Be that as it may, with respect to strategies, the pioneer is adaptable. Yet, the pioneer must realize that when generally will be obstinate and when to remain adaptable. (ECONOMY, 2013) Continue testing Testing is another exercise which each youthful business person must gain from Amazon CEO. One should continue testing as no one can tell when a preliminary test can turn into a creation. The pioneer never becomes weary of testing as this is the manner by which new items are found with the new system. (Authority Blog, 2012) Associate client and representatives A few business visionaries have a propensity for keeping the clients and workers in two outrageous levels. Yet, this is the place your business needs. A decent pioneer must make an ideal connection between the representatives and clients. In the event that the correspondence between them runs effectively, there will be no holes in activity. Normally the exchange will remain in benefit. Two pizza rule The originator of Amazon, Jeff has consistently trusted in two pizza rule. This implies the gathering must be little. This implies littler the gathering, increasingly compelling will be correspondence between them. Jeff attempted this in the Amazon with the gold component box. It has been seen that as the group begins developing, viability in activity diminishes. In this manner, the yield additionally lessens. (GILLETT, 2014) Concentrate on consumer loyalty Not at all like some other business pioneers who barely possess energy for clients, Jeff really peruses every single client protests and makes vital move. He advances the mail to the raising group with two question marks. The collector pays attention to the email very and settle the issue very soon by expressly speaking with clients. (GIANG, 2013) The present issue looked by Jeff Bezos The Amazons Founder needs to confront an incredible test when he purchased Washington Post. He got a significant achievement when he began selling books on the web. This has become a multi-dollar business which made enormous changes in the retail business. He declared the purchasing of the Washington Post alongside other paper. Be that as it may, this made a stun when individuals identified with this post got mindful of the reality. Be that as it may, there is some failure among the mass. A portion of the writers connected to this organization additionally shed their tears. As per Forbes Magazine, Bezos has the fortune esteemed at $25 billion. In this way, he is very rich to upgrade the misfortunes of a paper. Jeff additionally referenced that he is purchasing this news organization as a person. He isn't including his organization, Amazon Inc in this. Bezos additionally said that, he will fill in as Amazon CEO as his normal everyday employment. However, he will likewise keep another stage at Washington. However, it is without a doubt that individuals can see the changes. (Zongker, Gordon, Gresko, 2013) Numerous individuals and representatives related with the Washington post couldn't take the difference in possession emphatically. They even idea that their sending in the organization will be disturbed. The entire activity can experience changes. Presently, a significant number of us can't take the adjustments in a positive manner. Here emerges the failure. Bezos expressed an explanation where he without a doubt comprehended the significant job of Washington post among the individuals and in Washington. Along these lines, he guaranteed that the worth will never show signs of change. As a letter to its worker, Bezos additionally said that the paper obligation will remain inside its peruser and not among the individual intrigue. Jeff additionally guaranteed that he will really follow the stride its much known distributer Katharine Graham. The Amazons originator likewise vowed to keep the relatives of Graham, its CEO just as a distributer

Persuasive Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Powerful Speech - Essay Example I likewise Monitored understudy accomplishment and gave answers for remediation if necessary. I was likewise a pre-adult consultant. My duty as an understudy instructor or consultant was to give direction to assemble authority characteristics inside an elective school setting for staff and defenseless and in danger youth that centers around collusion with different individuals from the interdisciplinary treatment group. I was additionally answerable for assessing the training spending plan just as uses. I likewise actualized a viable control and participation approach which improved maintenance by 25%. This was done in light of a declining class participation and execution. I built up different learning networks and gatherings so as to advance customized learning in a situation adding to development and improvement of youthful personalities. As we as a whole realize that social decent variety and feeling of network is almost world works it was significant for me to bestow such information to the kids in an aggregate structure instead of separately showing them these exercises. These people group were a triumph particularly on the grounds that the decent variety, advancement and inventiveness of various understudies were shared and everybody helped each other to locate their own self and build up an individualistic disposition with a liberal point of view towards others. I likewise helped with building associations with different schools and organizations inside the state to create chances to improve instruction, execution and assessment of understudies, this open correspondence permitted the free progression of information and insight. I accept that so as to show youngsters appropriately you have to devise legitimate, composed arrangement of steps to lead you towards progress. I structured created and executed an educational programs to meet the differing adapting necessities of understudies which required composing unique educational plans and altering existing educational programs to meet the individual adapting needs and segment qualities of the understudy. I have confidence in creating and executing programs that empower scholastic greatness and so as to accomplish this insight an educational plans that delivers to individual and various needs is significant, this is the reason I was spurred to deal with such a task. I chose and worked out reasonable individualized instructional plans, aides and materials which concentrated on abilities and procedures important for the accomplishment of a secondary school certificates or proportional degrees in perusing, unraveling and perception; spelling, sentence structure and English piece; deciphering writing, science and social examinations; essential mathematic aptitudes, variable based math and geometry, tables and diagrams, critical thinking, and social abilities when esteemed fitting. I additionally chose, requested, and utilized a wide assorted variety of instructional materials dependent on the requirements of the understudies and as per their capacities including self-study, modified materials, and media, and so forth. As an instructor, it is critical to monitor the advancement of your understudies with the goal that it is anything but difficult to distinguish if any understudy if falling behind or if any additional work is required to support the whole class Therefore I built up a record-keeping framework to sort out and track understudy progress through the recognized course work, altered the educational plan and painstakingly chose and made content materials, procedures or a blend of both at whatever point understudies

Friday, August 21, 2020

Impact of Digital Culture in Arab-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Talk about the Impact of Digital Culture in Arab. Answer: Advanced Culture and new advances assists with saving and build up the neighborhood conventions in Arab. This a period of upset in innovation that every single human life in. In the previous days, the utilization of media was constrained and was utilized uniquely for explicit purposes. New innovations and advanced culture assists with building up the local customary language of Arab and guarantees that the language is spoken among all the individuals. The media is presently refined and modern[1]. There are numerous product programs that are accessible in this new innovation that keeps assists with spreading the Arabic language among the neighborhood individuals and among the world moreover. Individuals around the entire world is adjusting and designing dialects and need to find out about Arabic language. New innovation and the computerized life have changed the life of individuals completely. It is the obligation of the individuals to save the Arabic language. The group of people yet to come is to be instructed with Arabic language. As new age is for the most part joined to the new advancements that are being designed in this computerized time, the group of people yet to come can get the opportunity to take in the language from the web itself[2]. Language is most significant vehicle for correspondence reason with all individuals. Along these lines, the language is to be spread among all individuals so that there is a smooth correspondence among all. Arabic likewise had a custom of narrator previously. For over 1000 years, there is a custom of narrating among the individuals of Arab whose work was to engage and illuminate all the uneducated people in open zones in Arab regions[3]. The convention of narrating was declining step by step however the new innovation and the computerized culture came as a guardian angel to the custom of narrating. Narrators from Jordan, Egypt, Mauritania, Palestine, Tunisia, Ireland and Lebanon are sharing and playing out their own thoughts and stories on the web. Traditional narrator, yet in addition executives, movie producers and on-screen characters are additionally benefitted by the utilization of advanced culture. The narrating custom is live in video form, TV, web and exhibitions that are hel d in theaters. Along these lines, Arab locales have spread their societies and dialects everywhere throughout the world by receiving the new innovation and the advanced culture. The test that is looked by Arab media in neighborhood settings and worldwide settings is the promoting use. The use that is done on commercial is viewed as one of the significant income sources on the media is diminished by 30 % in the conditions of GCC (Gulf Co-Operation Council) and the Arab region[4]. The income diminished to 8.3 dollar billion in the Arab area in the year 2008. Just 2 % of the absolute income is all inclusive done by the Arab world. The members for the most part call for bypassing the administrative powers in Arab locale since it can force and mediate limitations on privileges of open and the opportunity that general society gets. Media which incorporates phone, TV and web is viewed as one of the greatest buzz among the life of individuals. Numerous magazines and paper have been closed down for the repercussion of declaring chapter 11 over more than 100 banks[5]. In excess of 15,000 writers made repetitive and there is lost driving the paper universally as are mo unted by Tribune Group and New York Times. At Gulf Co-Operation Council and the Arab areas, media faces numerous challenges alongside low salary. This prompts bring down the consumption, rewards are being suspended and the representatives are being ended which is around 5 percent of the all out workforce that are associated with media[6]. The repercussions of emergency were not brief. The news sources that was available in the Arab locales figured out how to adapt to the challenges in various manners. Another trouble that is looked by the news sources is to print media quick and overpowering all its encouraging in advanced structures which fundamentally lessening the incomes of the media. They can't build their incomes in medium and long haul. The print media if the Arab districts are to expand its print media and to put incomes so they can build up their assets by executing new advanced advances alongside the printed duplicates of news. There are numerous approaches to scatter news among the people[7]. The media that are pro spered in Arab are to expand their incomes and actualize new present day advancements for spreading news everywhere throughout the area. From the scholarly research, it very well may be discovered that individuals who peruse or hear more news have the most extreme likelihood that they are strategically and municipally connected with among an assortment of measures. This is a time of Facebook and Twitter. The vast majority of the publics times is devoured by internet based life stages, for example, Facebook and Twitter. Internet based life can energize community investment in Arab by making a relationship among the average citizens with the entire world. Web-based social networking makes mindfulness among the young people of the Arab area which assists with expanding the advanced availability and the political activity by making the information conclusive[8]. The internet based life in the Arab district is basically named by the considerable move towards making on the web political and city preparation. This was begun in the year 2011. This helped the residents to spread data with the systems, sort out the shows which incorporate both the counter government and the master government. This web based life additionally can bring issues to light on the occasions that are all around and privately sorted out or the occasions that are composed by governments. Online life likewise supports the adolescent by drawing in them and empowering them in their interest in all the administration procedures and furthermore can hinder the entrance of others to sites and control and screen the information[9]. The development of internet based life is expanded by the utilization of cell phones and furthermore enabling individuals, impact change and shape the feelings. The Arab district has dynamic and youthful web-based social networking clients that utilization Twitter and Facebook among the various web based life locales to endure the change. Reference index Akkary, Rima Karami. Confronting the difficulties of instructive change in the Arab world.Journal of Educational Change15.2 (2014): 179-202. Al?Ghazzi, Omar. Resident Journalism in the Syrian Uprising: Problematizing Western Narratives in a Local Context.Communication Theory24.4 (2014): 435-454. Brym, Robert, et al. Online life in the 2011 Egyptian uprising.The British Journal of Sociology65.2 (2014): 266-292. Deresky, Helen.International the executives: Managing across fringes and societies. Pearson Education India, 2017. Hoyt, Lorlene M., and Robert M. Hollister. Techniques for Advancing Global Trends in University Civic Engagement-the Talloires Network, a Global Coalition of Engaged Universities.AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching Learning in Higher Education6.1 (2014). Liu, Shuang, Zala Volcic, and Cindy Gallois.Introducing intercultural correspondence: Global societies and settings. Wise, 2014. Melhuish, Clare, Monica Degen, and Gillian Rose. The genuine innovation that is here: understanding the job of computerized representations in the creation of another urban fanciful at Msheireb Downtown, Doha.City Society28.2 (2016): 222-245. Owiny, Sylvia A., Khanjan Mehta, and Audrey N. Maretzki. The utilization of web-based social networking advances to make, safeguard, and spread indigenous information and abilities to networks in East Africa.International diary of communication8 (2014): 14. Rodrguez, Clemencia, Benjamin Ferron, and Kristin Shamas. Four difficulties in the field of option, radical and residents media research.Media, Culture Society36.2 (2014): 150-166. Owiny, Sylvia A., Khanjan Mehta, and Audrey N. Maretzki. The utilization of internet based life advancements to make, save, and spread indigenous information and abilities to networks in East Africa.International diary of communication8 (2014): 14. Deresky, Helen.International the executives: Managing across fringes and societies. Pearson Education India, 2017 Melhuish, Clare, Monica Degen, and Gillian Rose. The genuine advancement that is here: understanding the job of computerized representations in the creation of another urban fanciful at Msheireb Downtown, Doha.City Society28.2 (2016): 222-245. Rodrguez, Clemencia, Benjamin Ferron, and Kristin Shamas. Four difficulties in the field of option, radical and residents media research.Media, Culture Society36.2 (2014): 150-166. Liu, Shuang, Zala Volcic, and Cindy Gallois.Introducing intercultural correspondence: Global societies and settings. Wise, 2014. Akkary, Rima Karami. Confronting the difficulties of instructive change in the Arab world.Journal of Educational Change15.2 (2014): 179-202. Al?Ghazzi, Omar. Resident Journalism in the Syrian Uprising: Problematizing Western Narratives in a Local Context.Communication Theory24.4 (2014): 435-454. Hoyt, Lorlene M., and Robert M. Hollister. Techniques for Advancing Global Trends in University Civic Engagement-the Talloires Network, a Global Coalition of Engaged Universities.AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching Learning in Higher Education6.1 (2014). Brym, Robert, et al. Online networking in the 2011 Egyptian uprising.The British Journal of Sociology65.2 (2014): 266-292

Monday, August 3, 2020

Choosing a Major

Choosing a Major Ive been reading a lot of comments lately about which majors are harder than others and omg my friend says this class is impossible and dont be concerned about the difficulty of majors its all about what you love! theres obviously a lot of strife here, and I just wanted to address the topic in a proper way. First, some questions. Is Physics major popular at MIT or not? Yes? No? What do you think of when you think popular? There are about 50 physics (full 8) majors each year (judging by junior lab roster), and perhaps 20 more 8-B majors. Add that all up and it makes up ~7% of the class each year. Is that a lot? Thats hard to say, there are 22 majors. its not as popular as say, course 6, which is home to maybe 20-25% of the students in each year. But its big enough that youll need to share resources. Fun Fact! There are 92 physics faculty at MIT- and 5 of them are women. Luckily, the ratio of men to women physics majors is slightly more reasonable. Im thinking, just by looking around, maybe 13 out of 50 for the course 8 folks. I dont have any idea of 8-B. I cant believe you do all of this?!?! How do sleep? Do you sleep at all? I dont sleep much: maybe 5-7 hrs on weekdays and 7-9 on weekends (I have been occasionally known to sleep some 14 or 15 hours though)? But keep in mind those classes I listed werent like taken all during the same term or something. Im not on speed. This semester is the only semester that Ive taken more than 2 8-classes a term. And let me tell you this is too many 8-classes. Hi Lulu.I have a small question to ask.In Part 2,section 3 of the application,there is a question asking students to list any scholastic distinctions won since entering high school.Can this include,for example,honors won in oratory in the annual English-Day competition when in grade 8 or 9? Im unfamiliar with your system, but I probably wouldnt list that, personally. How much do you have to study to get really good marks in Physics (Maj.) Depends on how smart you are. Really. Which brings me to my main point: You hear it a lot. Do what you love. F*** the rest. (Little miss sunshine?) Its very good advice for most things but Id be careful when applying this to choice of major. I know, like, what? Am I crazy? Why am I allowed on here? But theres a very good reason for this. Reasons, even. Reason number 1: There are many paths to the same destination. So you love space technology, the natural choice might then be a major in course 16- do what you love, right? Well, maybe. But you should explore your options first, and here, you have quite a few. Sure, course 16 might get you what you want, but so might course 2 (mech e), or 2-A, or 8 (physics), or 8-B, or 6-1 (ee), or even 3 (material sci) or 12 (earth/planetary), depending on the specifics. There are a lot of options. You should look through them all! Take some intro classes, talk to upperclassmen, theres a lot of valuable information out there. Narrow your field of major choices down to only subjects that really have potential or you have not tried. Never eliminate something because it is unfamiliar. High schools dont teach Chemical Engineering or Nuclear Engineering as a rule. Find out about them. Ask questions. Reason number 2: All majors are not created equal. Maybe youve already heard from person A that asking about relative difficulty of majors is shallow and theres no such thing as hard majors and easy majors, it just depends on what youre into. Well, thats very interesting and all, person A, but you are very wrong and you are doing freshmen a disservice by preaching that. While there is no value in trying to determine an absolute hardest major, you HAVE to have a sense of what youre capable of and what youre getting yourself into. I know quite a few people who have either not graduated or not graduated on time as a result of failing classes within their major and/or changing majors too many times or some combination thereof. Some majors have a lot of requirements. Take course 16 for example. 198 units of credit are required OUTSIDE of GIRs in order to graduate. Take a look at this page, thats about 16 classes. On top of the 17 classes everyone has to take. You have 8 semesters here, and the average classload is 4/semester. 33 classes in 8 semesters doesnt allow for too many electives. Thats hard in its own right. Bad at memorizing things? Maybe chemistry or brain and cog sci isnt for you. Impatient? Hate doing grunt work? Maybe cross off some of the engineering majors. Some majors may be too easy for you and bore you to death. Some majors cover some really difficult material. Some of the abstract math classes here are among the hardest in the world. You should love a challenge, youre an MIT student, but you should also love yourself. A major that is too difficult for you will only make you miserable and insecure. You wont enjoy the course material and you wont enjoy the work, you wont sleep, and worst of all, you wont learn. Whats the point of taking classes to get them over with? So what if youre not smart enough to enjoy that stuff (Im not smart enough to enjoy that stuff), your talents may lie elsewhere. Pick a field in which you will really be able to participate and positively contribute. I say this because at MIT there is a real hidden (and sometimes not so hidden) pressure to do things just because they are hard. Or, the inverse, to not pick things just because they are by and large considered easy. Kids here are on the whole pretty smart, but that doesnt mean they dont need validation. Some kids try to earn the respect of others by taking on way more than ever reasonable, dont be like that, because these kids are often the same who will, in a couple of years, feel superior to their classmates just because their major is considered harder. And you just dont want to be like that. Nobody wants to be friends with that. I said to a freshman tonight, who was trying to find a suitable second major in the sciences to her course 15 (management) intended major, Why? Because some people had informed her that 15 was a slacker major and she wanted to prove she wasnt. This made me very sad and I told her that if someone picked one major that was right for them and did it well, learned it inside out, was really excited about it, no matter what the major, I would respect him orders of magnitude more than someone else who sacrificed a deeper education in something they were really interested in just for the sake of adding the name of a second subject to their diploma. Im really bored of the people who gave her this advice. Dont take it. Its dumb. (me) Ive been through two majors myself, I started off in 16 (while taking classes in 8) and switched to 8. I wrote an entry a year ago about my switch into 8 halfway through sophomore year. Watch out, its a little dramatic. But, I ended up not at all behind in the coursework since Id kept both options open as a tentative double major and taken all the usual physics classes up until that point. Thats something you might want to consider, prefrosh/freshmen- taking classes in 2+ subjects first semester sophomore year (and/or spring semester freshman year) so you can really get a feel for the different departments. And they are very different. And yes, this matters. Reason #3, 4, n: why really its not only about what you love: Departments. Curriculum. Staff. Resources. Career options. Size. Flexibility to do what you want. Whats more important to you? Having a tried and true certified-damn-good education from MIT in a subject matter (in my case, physics)? Or, having the freedom to design your own curriculum and indulge in your fancies? This isnt rhetorical- it matters. This is what Im deciding between now with 8 and 8-B. To be quite honest I was 2 weeks ago leaning toward 8-B for the option of taking General Relativity or Astrophysics next term, however, I had this thought a few days ago that was big enough, at least in Lulu-world, to have actually tipped the scale toward 8. The thought was that I wanted a physics education from MIT, the way that theyve been training physicists for years, and though I may feel like I know better at times, I probably dont, and I could do well to finish what I started and trust in their judgment. Anyways, thats just me. Teaching styles vary wildly between departments. Yes, let that affect your choice. A clash of learning and teaching styles is one of the most disastrous things that could happen to a student in college. It will make you lose interest, and fast. Higher level math classes dont have recitations: you are expected to either understand the lecture material or visit the professor privately with questions. Are you comfortable in that kind of a setting for 4 years? Engineering classes have a lot of repetition and hand-holding, this can get annoying if youre normally independent. Course 6 is impersonally large and they compensate by having 4-5 person mandatory tutoring sections once a week, these are all things that you should know. To make things easier later on, before you pick a major, reflect a little on what youd like to do. If you dont have any idea (dont worry, I dont either), an important feature of your degree track should be later flexibility. Will it allow you to attend medical school if you decide? Grad school? Work on wall street? Babysit? There are lots of majors (8, 18, 6, 2, ) that are really good for branching out later on into all kinds of fields. Your interests may change, especially as you get deeper into a field, you may find it not at all what you were expecting (this happens all the time, I cant even stress that enough), you can develop interests in things you never thought possible: sometimes this is out of necessity, sometimes just because every subject in its own right is interesting (or else you wouldnt have organic chemists) and you just needed some time to really get into it. I see this happen all the time. Your interests may change, but with some thought put into your choice of major, this doesnt have to mean extra semesters or no diploma. Alllll this talking aside, undergraduate majors by name are not a big deal. Graduate schools, still a faraway thought for you guys, but looming ever nearer for me, dont give two hoots about the name of your major, they care about whats in your head, your coursework, your research In fact, Ive been told quite a few times that taking Grad-level courses and having more than one major will actually hurt your chances at grad schools- they like to see that you have built a solid foundation in their subject and view anything else as a distraction. Anyways, I made up a really crappy but maybe useful timeline for when you should be doing what with regard to your major/choice of major. And it starts NOW! (only if youre a freshman, NEXTYEAR! if youre a prefrosh). Fall Semester Freshman Year: Talk to people! Research! Ask Questions. IAP Freshman Year: Decide what major(s) you may be interested in/want to try out. Plan some spring semester classes that explore these options. Spring Freshman Year: Take these classes. Reevaluate. End of Spring Freshman Year: Pick a major. It doesnt have to be permanent, but youll make it easier on yourself to do some exploring before you pick, since, though switching majors is easy, catching up in classes, isnt. Summer after Freshman Year: You are assigned your department advisor! This is fun, because youll come back and meet them probably with food or canoeing involved (the latter may just pertain to my advisor may not be an actual rule). End of Sophomore Year: Deadline for deciding to stick with your major unless you are considering a 5th year or a 9th semester or you have already been taking cohesive classes in the major that you want to switch into. This is because most degree tracks are designed to take 2-3 years. If you havent started on that after the end of sophomore year, you may need to only consider flexible options for fewer requirements. For an outdated (but still interesting) overview of some departments published in 2002 by the Tech, take a look at this: http://www-tech.mit.edu/V122/N5/5majbr.5n.html. Anyways, Im doing this because my freshman friend Larisa is having a major crisis (that is, a crisis regarding her major, though it also appears to be quite troubling for her). Please feel free to ask questions about specific majors and I will try my best to answer them or find a satisfactory answer from someone who knows. I like feeling helpful. Sorry there arent any pictures in this one I took pictures of junior lab, so Ill put that together soon. -lulu